Media Coverage

Media Coverage

Media Coverage of Inam Abidi Amrohvi and his Book

Dubai: Indian Expat Chronicles Hometown's History in New Book

It is the first detailed account of the Indian city of Amroha in English...

Khaleej Times, UAE

UAE Resident writes a book about his Hometown Amroha

In a compelling dive into the heart of history, culture, and resilience, UAE based Inam Abidi Amrohvi’s “Making of a Qasba: The Story of Amroha” illuminates the story of a small town nestled in Northern India. Serving as the inaugural comprehensive English account of the city, the book presents an insightful narrative that delves into the rich and vibrant heritage of Amroha...

The Desi Buzz, USA

Radio Interview

An interview with RJ Aalok about the book “Making of a Qasba: The Story of Amroha”